
Lunchbox Friends and Forgotten Bonds: A Nostalgic Look at Friendship

  Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about the days when life seemed more carefree, where every moment felt like an adventure with friends?  I certainly do. Childhood days were filled with laughter, spontaneity, and endless fun. There wasn’t a need to schedule catch-ups or plan in advance. Every day brought new joy, and friendships just… happened. But now, things have changed. The digital era has woven itself into our lives, and while it keeps us connected in some ways, it has also taken away the tangible warmth of gathering with friends whenever we felt like it. The fond memories of school, college, and neighborhood friendships seem to fade, becoming distant echoes of a time when things were so much simpler. When was the last time you had your whole family gathered for a festive occasion? I can barely remember mine.  As Durga Puja approaches, I find myself wandering through a familiar yet oddly foreign city. The once effortless task of making friends now feels like an uphill

Adrift in the Mind's Labyrinth

Oh my goodness, have I ever felt lost in my thoughts? Darling, let me tell you, I've been there more times than I can count! It's like being swept away by a tidal wave of your own making, isn't it? There I'd be, staring out the window or at my blank screen, completely oblivious to the world around me. Time? Ha! It might as well have been a foreign concept. I'd blink, and suddenly hours had slipped through my fingers like grains of sand. These thoughts, oh, they were relentless! They'd haunt me throughout the day, like little ghosts refusing to be exorcised. Some people, bless their hearts, would call me a worrywart. Others would say I was overthinking. But honey, I couldn't help but wonder - where on earth were these thoughts coming from? Was it really just worry or overthinking, like everyone said? Or was it something more... something born from the depths of my vivid imagination? It felt like I was trapped in a snow globe of my own making, shaken up and sw

Walking Down Memory Lane

SCRIPT I- CHILDHOOD MEMORIES I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me.  "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now without delay" I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me. I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me. I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me. I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me. I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me. By nature, every single individual once in a while walks down their memory lane and revisits his happy bygone days. Even with the transitional changes evolving every day, each one of us has nostalgic memories of childhood tucked away in a scrapbook of our mind.  Recalling as to why those days were so enjoyable takes each of us to our innocent growing up moments full of t

From Literature To Codes- A Web Development Journey.

A Great platform For Learning To Code My journey began the day I came across Udacity and FreeCodeCamp. A literature teacher by profession, I never had ever thought of pursuing any technical field. Even though I had an eager interest in the field of Programming but never had the courage to research it. But until I actually changed my mind and read a Blog on "How Web-Development is a Great career?". After reading this, I requested my brother who is already in the field of Graphic Designing to help me understand how to begin a career in Web Development. The first amazing surprise that entered my journey was the news of Udacity-Google Nano Degree Scholarship. I enrolled myself but had minimal expectation of being selected. But on 13th Feb when i found the e-mail congratulating me on my acceptance to the First Phase of the Scholarship, my happiness knew no boundaries. I felt it is an once in a lifetime op

How To Advance for an Interview?-Tips and Tricks Part 2

"Have faith in yourself as you walk into that interview room. Luck only accompanies those who believe in themselves. Believe in yourself and luck will accompany you throughout the interview process. "  Tip 1: PHYSICAL ETIQUETTE It is common for people to get tensed during an interview. At that moment, many people unconsciously exhibit a few negative attitude. Some start to frigid while some start to play around with fingers or nails. Some keep on continuously fidgeting their feet’s. These are few negative emotional attributes demonstrated by candidates. Be always relaxed and self-composed. Always remember it’s just an interview where your knowledge and etiquettes will be tested. So, believe in yourself and be patient and self-collected. Tip 2: SELF-MOTIVATED     Whenever you attend an interview be sure to be motivated by your work. Every organisation seeks people who are self-motivated and can motivate the people around them. Check out f

How To Advance for an Interview?-Tips and Tricks

"Think of your job interview as a battle in which your work experience is your strategy, skills are your ammunition, nervousness is your enemy and confidence is your ally." Job searching can be hard work and it can be a challenge to stay motivated. Here are some Tips for job seekers to pick up your day.   Tip 1: RESEARCH Before you attend an interview, it is very important to research about the organisation. Keeping yourself updated about the organisation and work-environment helps you understand about the work place and the challenges you would come across. It is always advisable to know about the organisation and its setup as maximum of your doubts can be cleared during the interview regarding the organisation and its performances and expectations. Interview session Tip 2: ORGANISED   It is advisable to carry your documents along when you appear for an interview even if you have submitted your documents earlier. All