How To Advance for an Interview?-Tips and Tricks Part 2

"Have faith in yourself as you walk into that interview room. Luck only accompanies those who believe in themselves. Believe in yourself and luck will accompany you throughout the interview process. "


It is common for people to get tensed during an interview. At that moment, many people unconsciously exhibit a few negative attitude.

Some start to frigid while some start to play around with fingers or nails. Some keep on continuously fidgeting their feet’s. These are few negative emotional attributes demonstrated by candidates.Be always relaxed and self-composed. Always remember it’s just an interview where your knowledge and etiquettes will be tested. So, believe in yourself and be patient and self-collected.


    Whenever you attend an interview be sure to be motivated by your work. Every organisation seeks people who are self-motivated and can motivate the people around them. Check out few motivational videos or read few motivational books, quotes or Blogs. There are a few collection of motivational books that can help you.

1)    Success by John Maxwell
2)    Quotes from The Monk Who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma
3)    Never Fear, Never Quit by Joe Tye.
4)    Simplify your Life and Inner Simplicity by Elaine St. James.
5)    Motivational Videos of Be Inspired

 "Stay calm and confident throughout your job interview. If you do this, you’ll crack the interview and get the job." 


It is better to be an hour early than five minutes late.
Ever organisation seeks aspirants who are punctual and dedicated to their work. Always arrive your interview venue early and do not be late or do not arrive at the nick of time.

Punctuality plays a very important role in every person’s life . The earlier you arrive, the more time you get in hand to become familiar with the working surrounding and environment around you.


Many a times candidates go for interview with an empty stomach or a stomach bug. It is very unadvisable and embarrassing moments can arise due to your carelessness especially if your tummy starts to growl while you are answering your interviewers.

It is always advisable to have a light breakfast before going to an interview. Try to avoid any oily or spicy food before your interview. Eat healthy and Keep your mind Wealthy.

 "Your passion will see you through this interview."

Hopefully these Tips will helps you gain a perspective on the importance of interviewing achieve your Goal in your Interview. For Further Reference you may read the book "Cracking the coding interview."

 Made With ♡♡ by Suparna Paul


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